Old Friendly & Schedule LPs Announced
In 1997 Old Friendly released their album. Full of beautifully arranged stripped down versions of Small, Narrow View, and Blue Sky Law songs as well as brand new songs that blended in seamlessly to create an album that speaks to long drives, spending time on the back porch, and waxing poetic about relationships.
Jan 1992 Schedule formed. Bringing Joe Dulaney, George Morey, Dean Smith, & Jade Devitt together. Building song after song in jam space in a clogger dance studio in Kennewick. Anyone familiar with the band knows the dynamic angularity and intense ferociousness trapped in those songs. Stretching beyond the walls of the Tri-Cities scene, they played throughout Washington state, had songs included on comps from a label out of San Francisco, and managed to secure a slot at the legendary, C/Z sponsored Indian Summer Festival.