Carrie Akre Home LP
Oh wow oh wow oh wow! We’ve gotten to work with some great artists and release some great albums before, but anytime we get to work with Carrie Akre… oooh good times!
Today we’re announcing the pre-order campaign for Carrie Akre‘s Home. Her first solo album, Home. Originally released in summer of 2000, this album really showcased Carrie’s songwriting and stylistic approaches. Full of soul and heart and honest feelings, tied together with beautiful melodies.
We’ve put together an excellent pre-order campaign full of some great reward perks that we think will help get you excited for this release. We’ve got colored vinyl! Show tickets! Handwritten lyrics! Test Pressings! Show posters! & more to help us reach our goal of getting this all together and into your hands!
We greatly appreciate your interest and contribution in helping to make this happen.
Thank you so much for your time and support in helping get the word out.
-Latent Print Records & Carrie Akre